Definitely an interesting take.

My experience has been a little different but again I'm not even half way there as compared to the number of years you spent.

So far for me, build from scratch has always been much easier as I could do whatever I want, you captured this in your post. On the other hand, build on top of things become very hard as now you need to learn how this complex million lines of code work. Well, that's an exaggeration, but not by much. Working with ultra large code bases, I've found myself spending weeks just trying to understand how the hell something works.

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I absolutely resonate with this. I can really build MVPs very fast. But that is only a ground work. I would say making that into production ready is where the real work is done and most difficult. When I build the MVPs my co-founders think, "Okay, how soon we can make the first sale?". They don't really understand it and I fail to convince them.

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Insightful read! In my experience it’s important to have someone on the team able to move fast and break things if needed. Such a person is needed to quickly build a proof of concept to see if something is technically feasible or to jot down a quick MVP to see if a feature/product has any demand.

However when it comes to making something scalable that needs to be maintained for long, sometimes it might be better to start from scratch and build it better from scratch.

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